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Weather arrangement

  • Tropical cyclone warning No.1, No.3, rainstorm warning amber or red: classes operate as usual

  • Tropical cyclone warning No.8 or above, rainstorm warning black:

    • If signals are cancelled before 2pm on Mon-Sat, and before 8am on Sunday, classes will resume 2 hours after signals have been lifted.

    • If signals are hoisted after 2pm on Mon-Sat, and after 8am on Sunday, all classes will be cancelled.

    • If signals are hoisted during class, class will continue, and parents are advised to pick up their children when it is safe.

    • No make-up or deferral for classes cancelled under the above circumstances

Public Holidays

  • We are closed on public holidays. If one of the eight classes within the course falls on a public holiday, this class will be postponed accordingly or you can contact our administrative staff to arrange a make-up class in advance.

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